dreams and fairy tales

Think of that 80% of our body runs by subconscious, feelings ,intuition ,instinctual highest intelligence. Science has proven that we’re are dreaming all the time , day and night in the matrix of images waving our reality . Dreams are typing us into the source of creativity , that magic fairy tales land of our physical body senses full of fun and sometimes real danger in the challenges that leading us to the truth and being real you ; What are you dream of ? What do you want ? Who are you ? Come to discover your imagination trough serious of short exercises to stretch your imagination and we will open one dream that group will choose ,learning 4 layers of dreaming Based on the story of 4 rabbis in the Garden of Eden . (There is no analysis or interpretation of the dream and no opinions or judgments about the dream are offered by the group; they are presenting their experience of the dream as secondary dreamers.)

About me :
Woman,Transpersonal psychologist, Healer, Dancer and Poet .
Teacher and Practitioner of Saphire®
7 years studying dreaming language with Catherine Shainberg ( schoolofimages.com )
Previous; India, Clinical psychology, Moscow . From Elbrus, North Caucasus .
I have been always crazy about dreaming ,scared most of the time in childhood of it’s vivid and magical impact on my life,grown amazed by its beauty and power,charmed by its humor and truth and natural healing ability.